GLAKO (PTY) LTD was registered with CIPRO on 06/10/2015 Reg NO: 2015/346757/07, with the focus of the mentioned in below bullets. The main reason for this company is to provide high qualities to clients and open job opportunities.
Our Client Focus
Our mission at Glako is to provide the public and other institutions that require our services with quality service that exceed their expectations. Our primary loyalty is our clients, and our commitment is to provide them with high quality, dependable service. To be partners in growing South Africa’s economy by being one all provinces’ leading construction. To strive for professionalism in all activities. To continually study developments in our fields of expertise and competence.
Act with honesty and maintain our
property to their satisfaction standards.
• Instilling trust through sincerity and
offer them high security protection within our property.
• Practice constructive business communications,
through our diligence, commitment and dedication.
• Take responsibility for our business property.
• Be accountable to our clients and,
• Be open in all necessary respect so that
our Property business will be associated
with honesty and trustworthy.